CAG Technologies has a corporate responsibility to preserve the environment and is committed to insuring that our workplace and the products we provide to our customers are ECO Friendly. CAG Purification and its staff are continually monitoring and implementing ECO Friendly products and systems into our workplace and the marketplace. CAG is committed to offering our customers energy efficient and environmentally friendly products specific to the compressed air industry.
It is a well known fact that compressed air systems can be one of the most expensive utilities in any facility utilizing a compressor to operate equipment. Also inherent in the compressed air system is the contamination created by the oils utilized in the air compressor which will migrate to the environment if not treated properly.
CAG products are designed to dramatically reduce energy costs associated with compressed air systems and also provide products which purify the contaminants produced by the compressed air system. CAG ensures that all existing products available to our customers have been designed with the environment in mind. Prior to offering new products to our customers the products are evaluated in order to ensure that energy savings can be realized while in use, as well as preventing contamination to the environment. Additionally all products offered by CAG that require refrigerant to operate have been designed to utilize environmentally friendly refrigerants that adhere to the Montreal protocol.
CAG Technologies is Eco Friendly
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