The most compact unit of its kind because of its extended tube surface, the IPAC Inc. Water-Cooled After-cooler is suitable for packaged compressors or any site where space is limited. Built with either patented Helical or plain tubes, 51 series After-coolers are designed to deliver a 15-20 degree Fahrenheit approach temperature, depending on water temperature and quantity. The 59 series delivers a 5-10 Fahrenheit approach. As hot compressed air flows through the extended surface tubes of the IPAC Water-Cooled After-cooler, the cooling water flows on the outside of the tubes in the opposite direction. This counter-flow arrangement makes the tube walls progressively colder for maximum cooling efficiency. Heat from the compressed air is transferred throughout the tube walls to the water, thereby reducing the air temperature until the dew point is reached. Further cooling causes the vapor to condense on the tube walls forming water droplets, thus reducing the water vapor content of the compressed air.
Special designs available - consult factory.
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